A Gtk frontend for ClamAV
By David M. Balean

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This describes gclamp version1.2.0 for scanning directories and files for viruses. It requires Gtk,
vte, freshclam, clamscan, and either su, sudo or both su and sudo.
To install
gclamp in Ubuntu, download the RPM and convert it to DEB format using the command as root:-

# alien -d gclamp-1.2.0-1.fc14.x86_64.rpm

from the command line. The resulting .deb file can be installed by clicking on it with the mouse. To install on a non-x86_64 compatible system such as sparc or i386,  the tar file can be downloaded and compiled from scratch or you can try creating a local 
rpm with following method:-

An .rpm spec file is included. Assuming
rpm is installed fully, you can create an .rpm file for the current operating system as follows :-
    Download gclamp-1.2.0.tar.gz
    Open a console window and c
hange to the directory containing gclamp-1.2.0.tar.gz
    Issue the following command as the normal user:-

rpmbuild -ta

The resulting
rpm should be found in the user's rpmbuild directory in RPMS/os-type where os-type is, for example,  i386 or whatever the current operating system is. This can then be used to create a suitable .deb file using the alien -d command.

NB.  If compiling from scratch,  gclamp-1.2.0.tar.gz assumes that "vte.h" is to be using  #include <vte-0.0/vte/vte.h> in file "vte.cpp". For some systems this may have to be changed to #include <vte/vte.h>. In that case gclamp-1.2.0.tar.gz would have to be recreated for the above rpmbuild -ta gclamp-1.2.0.tar.gz command to work.

Brief Description
The user can start the program by using the command:-
 $ gclamp
Normally this brings up the main window containing a menu, notebook widget of several pages, and a row of buttons at the bottom. However, if the database needs updating and automatic updates are requested in the defaults file the user will first be asked to provide the root password and, if provided, the database will be updated from the internet. The  Actions page is what the user sees first. The other pages are concerned with configuration and should be completed before scanning for the first time. Once configured, it is wise to save this either using the   Save Defaults  button at the bottom of the window or from the menu. The defaults are loaded automatically when the program starts if present. Before using for the first time it is sensible to update the virus database. If scanning as an ordinary user, only files which the user can access will be scanned. To scan the whole computer, click COMPLETE SCAN  and  gclamp will restart as root after the user supplies root's password and the scan should then commence. The user can also restart as root anyway and this will use the same configuration as the user's default whereas if started from the command line having used su or sudo it will start in root's directory and the configuration will be root's default instead of the user's. When gclamp is running as root, the "RESTART as root" button is replaced by "ROOT - using:" followed by the home directory that gclamp is using.


The log file of freshclam is expected to reside at  /var/freshclam.log.

I found it necessary to do the following as root:-
# groupadd clamav
# useradd -g clamav -s /bin/false -c "Clam AntiVirus" clamav
# touch /var/log/freshclam.log
# chmod 0666 /var/log/freshclam.log

The file
/var/log/freshclam.log  MUST be available to everyone for both read and write!

In /etc/freshclam.conf comment out "Example", enable "UpdateLogFile /var/log/freshclam.log"  and fix "DatabaseMirror" with the country code.

Make sure clamav and clamav-update are installed.

Ensure that
/tmp exists and  is available to everyone for both read and write.

Some Screen Shots with Info
The following screen shots were obtained from gclamp running in Fedora 12 or 13 which in turn was running in Oracle VirtualBox on an Eee PC (extremely SLOW! - compared with my iCore 7 machine - but I wanted to check out window sizes). More information would be displayed on a larger screen. On the Eee PC the all the font sizes were reduced to 8 using the menu System->Appearance and selecting "Fonts".

Main window - warning
This is what the user sees on starting the program. This is the
 Actions  page. In this case the database is out of date using the user's choice of how many days is considered out of date in the defaults if there is a defaults file. If there is no defaults file an arbitrary value of one day is used. In this example the user is warned that the virus database is out of date compared with the user's default value.

Main window - error

This is what the user sees if some sort of error occurred. Check everything in the note!
If gclamp is run for the first time it is quite probable that "/etc/freshclam.conf" requires fixing.

Main window - normal

This is what the user should see if everything is up to date.

Main window - restarted as root
When gclamp is running as root, the "RESTART as root" button is replaced by "ROOT - using:" followed by the home directory that gclamp is using.

Directories to Scan Page
Here the user has selected the directory 
/home/david/Projects/Test. In the above example, "Test" has to be double-clicked to select its path  into the path box before clicking "SELECT PATH" which places its path into the right pane. The R indicates that it shall be scanned recursively and this can be changed by selecting which directory in the list you want to change then left-click  R-ON/R_OFF. Similarly, to remove a directory from the chosen list, select it then left-click  DELETE.

Directories to Omit Page

The user has selected /home/david/Projects/Test/.anjuta and this directory will be omitted from the scan. As with the previous example, to  remove the  chosen directory  click on it with  the  left mouse button  to  select  it  then  left-click on  the DELETE button.

Files to Scan Page
In this example four files have been chosen for scanning. This is, of course, in addition to any directories that have been chosen.

Files to Omit Page


This example shows that the file named Virus_Infected_File should be excluded from the scan. This name is used as a pattern so Virus_Infected_File.test is also excluded from the scan although not requested explicitly.

Options Page
This is an example of the
Options page.
    At the top left, the user has the option of choosing whether or not to have  a log file (gclamp.log) which resides in the gclamp directory in the user's home directory. If the user chooses to have gclamp.log, which is recommended, then this can be in either append or overwrite mode. The user can elect to have empty files and/or OK files included in the log but for even a medium scan this creates an enormous log file.
    At the top right the user can select what should be done with infected files, move to quarantine, copy to quarantine, delete or leave them alone. Beneath this frame the user can select the browser to use for viewing the HTML documentation. Whatever is entered here will be followed by the pathname so if an option is required it may have to be appended to the browser name.
    In the middle frame the user can select which command(s) the graphical program for authentication will  execute. This can be
su and sudo, su alone or sudo alone.
    In the lowest frame the user can decide at what point the database becomes sufficiently out of date to warrant a warning. This may be an integral value between one and fourteen days inclusive. If auto updates are chosen, the user similarly can chose between one and fourteen days out of date, and will only work while gclamp is running.

At the very bottom of the main window are the buttons to save all the choices to the default file, to load the defaults if desired, and to quit the program.

Actions Page - scanning
The user has just started a scan. This is a normal scan using the data currently in the application. If the user clicks "COMPLETE SCAN", the user will be required to enter the root password and
gclamp will restart as root and perform a scan of the whole computer.  The rotating "rainbow world" at the top right indicates that the program is busy. This also appears when the database is being updated.

Actions Page - scan completed
Now the scan is completed. There is a warning that one file could not be scanned because access has been denied. There is a brief summary at the lower right.

This is the GUI to obtain authorisation as the root user so that the update can continue. In this case su will be used in conjunction with sudo to gain root  privileges.
When updating, a window appears giving the user an indication of progress. In this case the update has been completed.

Example of View gclamp.log

This is the log arising from  the previous examples. There was one infected file, and it can be seen that one file was inaccessible and two files were excluded from the scan by omitting the file pattern 
/home/david/Projects/Test/.anjuta/Virus_Infected_File. The log ends with the same summary as appeared on the  Actions  page at the completion of the scan.

Example of View freshclam.log
This is an example of freshclam.log.

Example of gclamp.defaults

This is the defaults file used in the previous examples.
This window can only be obtained from the "View" menu (View gclamp.defaults).

Download gclamp-1.2.0.tar.gz              HERE
(size 1.1 MB - source files)

Download gclamp-1.2.0-1.fc14.x86_64.rpm   HERE
(size 732.7 KB - Fedora 12 binary for x86_64)