A primitive graphical frontend for the su command
By David M. Balean
This describes xtermsu
version 0.6.
Brief Description
The purpose is to give the user a graphical interface to the su command. The user is always given three attempts even if the window is purposely closed. Note that xterm is required! To start gedit as root the user would use the command:-
$ xtermsu gedit
It is possible to start more than one command by seperating the with semi-colons and enclosed with quotes.
A Screen Shot
xtermsu window

The user is presented with this xterm window to enter root's password.
It is just a barebones window with no information. The user is given
three attempts to get it right. Clicking the "x" at the top right
counts as an attempt.
Download xtermsu-0.6.tar.gz
(size 335.3 KB - source files)
Download xtermsu-0.6-1.fc11.x86_64.rpm HERE
(size 28.4KB - Fedora 11 binary for x86_64)